I've been working on my hexi quilt, and have actually gotten to the point where I had to stop since I am waiting for the backing fabric, batting, and binding fabric to arrive. I laid it out on the floor of our downstairs playroom/bonus room and was horrified to realize it took up THE ENTIRE ROOM. All I kept thinking as I was laying the hexi's out was, "Oh good gravy, what did I get myself into with this one?" Definitely some re-thinking of the queen (+) size when I started to see how big it really is. You know, the numbers in my brain did not line up with how big those numbers meant in real life. How the heck am I going to quilt this thing?
I managed to get over the size and sat down to sew the top together over the weekend. At which point again I thought to myself, "Oh good gravy, what have I gotten myself into?" since it took FOR-EV-ER. But it is done, and it looks awesome, and I am back to thinking, "No, no, I got this. This thing is going to be awesome. And why not use your favorite fabric to make the biggest quilt in the house? Just more of it to love."
I suppose we will just have to see how I feel as I try and smoosh this thing through my machine.
Since I had put this guy on hold while waiting for the quilt parts to come, I decided to get started on the mail holder from Patchwork, Please! today.......only to realize I needed foundation paper that could be left in once finished. So, after putting in an Amazon order, I decided to take the day for some knitting instead. Then, I immediately put my knitting down and decided to start on these guys:
They're the Drunkard's Path Flower Placemats from Mollie Makes Patchwork. So I spent the afternoon digging through my scraps and cutting little squares for these guys and plan to get started on sewing them in the next day or two.
All in all a fairly successful day of crafting. Especially since Mr Danger thought he had to go into work, but then ended up not having to go.
Thanks for visiting me!